"Who are You?" - 2000

Laminated wood - 8' x 120' x 3/4" - Bellevue Art Museum, Bellevue, WA.

In September 1999 the Bellevue Art Museum, in Bellevue, WA, broke ground for the construction of its new building. At the same time the Museum commissioned Douglas Kornfeld to design artwork for the construction fence surrounding the site. Museum patrons and students in the community were given workshops using computer design software and under the direction of the artist designed self portraits based on the standard international male and female icons. Some of these have been incorporated into the fence along with figures designed by the artist.

In July 2000 The Bellevue Art Museum invited me to do a project during their Arts Festival. Two volunteers and I invited Festival goers to pick which of the figures most resembled them. We then took an instant picture that we gave them as a souvenir. More than 350 picture that were taken.